Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. This data is a snapshot of addresses from VoteWA. Addresses are coded with the Precinct Split that is currently applied. This layer is intended to be used to verify and compare against Voting Precinct Split boundaries to insure addresses are receiving the proper split.
Color: [0, 92, 230, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Verdana Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. A spatial data layer of points representing the location of officially-assigned site/structure addresses by the local addressing authority that contains related attribute information in order to support the needs of public safety applications. Site/structure address points should represent the actual location of a site or structure. Site/structure address points can also represent landmarks. Site/structure address points represent addresses assigned by the local addressing authority, which may not reflect the addresses used in commercial or United States Postal Service (USPS) databases. The Skagit County Address data points were obtained from Skagit County’s NG9-1-1 Project. This project is currently in-progress and incomplete. However, the address data is the most accurate and up to date address information for the County at the time of this distribution. There may be minor changes to the data schema as the project progresses. Horizontal Accuracy of the address data is specified as +/- 13.89 feet per NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model, NENA-STA-006.1-2018, June 16, 2018
Color: [168, 0, 132, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Verdana Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. This data is address information obtained from the Assessor's Office. Addresses are pulled from the Assessor data and are mapped based on it's associated Tax Parcel Account location.
Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Verdana Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. Voting Precinct Splits are intended to show various splits within the Voting Precincts in Skagit County. Voting Precinct Splits are used to code voter address points in the VoteWA system with proper split values. This data originated from the Washington State Office of the Secretary of State and is now being maintained by Skagit County. Changes to this data are submitted to the OSOS and loaded into the VoteWA system.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. Voting Precinct Splits are intended to show various splits within the Voting Precincts in Skagit County. Voting Precinct Splits are used to code voter address points in the VoteWA system with proper split values. This data originated from the Washington State Office of the Secretary of State and is now being maintained by Skagit County. Changes to this data are submitted to the OSOS and loaded into the VoteWA system.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Voting Precinct polygon dataset is intended to depict all voting precincts as they are currently described by the Skagit County Auditor's Office. The delineation includes Voting Precincts and Wards. Amendments and revisions are usually made on an annual basis as requested by the Skagit County Auditor's Office. Boundaries are from legal descriptions maintained through the Skagit County Auditors Office. Purpose: The Skagit County Voting Precincts dataset was developed to provide county employees and the public a view of the voting-related boundaries in relation to County geographic features.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Voting Precinct polygon dataset is intended to depict all voting precincts as they are currently described by the Skagit County Auditor's Office. The delineation includes Voting Precincts and Wards. Amendments and revisions are usually made on an annual basis as requested by the Skagit County Auditor's Office. Boundaries are from legal descriptions maintained through the Skagit County Auditors Office. Purpose: The Skagit County Voting Precincts dataset was developed to provide county employees and the public a view of the voting-related boundaries in relation to County geographic features.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. Washington legislative districts are territorial divisions of the state from which a member of the US House of Representatives is elected. The Legislative Districts layer shows all legislative districts covering Skagit County as they were adopted by Washington State Resolution #4409 on February 7, 2012. Where original intent of boundary is clear, data has been modified to fit Skagit County Parcels, Roads, and other data.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Congressional Districts layer shows all congressional districts covering Skagit County as they were adopted by Washington State Resolution #4409 on February 7, 2012. Where original intent of boundary is clear, data has been modified to fit Skagit County Parcels, Roads, and other data.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Water Districts dataset consists of digital data describing Water District 1 in Skagit County. Water District 1 boundary is derived by legal descriptions from Skagit County Resolution 11574, and maps provided to Skagit County GIS by Water District 1. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Fidalgo Park and Recreation District dataset consists of digital data describing the Fidalgo Park and Recreation District. Boundary is derived by legal descriptions from Skagit County Resolution 5748, as provided by Skagit County Auditor’s Office. In some areas, ambiguity in the legal description has been interpreted to represent the intent of the boundary. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA) dataset was provided by Skagit Transit (SKAT) in 2014. Horizontal Accuracy and currentness of this data is unknown.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. This layer shows Port District boundaries and their respective Board Commissioner District boundaries for the Port of Skagit and the Port of Anacortes. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Revised Code of Washington authorizes cities to elect city councilmembers by wards or districts. Wards are used at Skagit County primarily during the election process. Currently, Anacortes, Burlington, Mount Vernon, and Sedro-Woolley have established wards.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. For more information, contact the Skagit County Public Health Department. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. Commissioner Districts layer shows Skagit County Commissioner Districts as adopted by Skagit County in Ordinance #O20120003, April 17, 2012.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Library Districts dataset consists of digital data describing library districts for all of Skagit County. It is important to note the distinction between a 'Library Service Area' and a 'Library District'. Library districts, also known as 'rural partial-county library districts' are formed during an election by a vote of the people in various unincorporated areas of the county. Often, but not always, a 'library service area' consists of not only the rural partial-county library district, but also the incorporated area in which the library itself is often located. Therefore, a library service area will often consist of both a library district that covers a portion of unincorporated Skagit County in addition to its associated incorporated area (i.e. city/town). Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Cemetery Districts datasat consists of digital data describing cemetery districts in Skagit County. Cemetery Districts are defined by legal description in Skagit County Code Chapter 6.08. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Fire Districts dataset consists of digital data describing fire protection districts for all of unincorporated Skagit County. Fire District boundary legal descriptions were provided to Skagit County GIS and referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Hospital Districts dataset consists of digital data describing hospital districts for all of Skagit County. Hospital District boundary legal descriptions were provided to Skagit County GIS and referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County School Districts dataset consists of digital data describing school district boundaries In Skagit County. Boundaries are derived by legal description from Skagit County Code Chapter 6.64 and information received from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. As of 2-25-2004, Skagit County Code refers to the Darrington School District as District number 400; however, the OSPI refers to it as District number 330. Since the OSPI is the regulatory agency, we are using District number 330. Data is referenced to the County parcel layer.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Roads layer represents street centerlines for named county, state, private, and incorporated roads within Skagit County. Road centerlines match features in Assessor CAD Maps. Road Names and Type are determined by documents of record and approved/documented information in Mobility.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. The Skagit County Tax Parcels are intended to depict Assessor tax accounts created for the County Assessor. This data is intended to represent tax segregations and do not purport to represent "buildable lots". For example, if a parcel is placed in the "open space taxation program", it may be segmented into two pieces. One piece is taxed for "open space" while the other is reserved for "residential" use. This shows up as a parcel with a boundary line separating the different tax designations.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. Building footprints created from aerial imagery in 2017 and 2019. Assessment area is most of rural Skagit County. Buildings greater than 150 square feet were identified. Each building has a unique id (SCUID). Status compares the state of the building between 2017 and 2019. Status is planned to be updated every 2 years.
Description: This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. An address authority polygon depicted in this layer indicates the agency that has ownership of all official address points located within said polygon. The agency is indicated by the value shown in the “Address_Authority” attribute. In other words, the addressing authority is the agency that has full authority to change/add/delete addresses within an address authority polygon at any time. The address authority (polygon) feature class is used to determine which addressing authority has “jurisdiction” or “ownership” of a given address point. This feature class currently covers the full extent of the Skagit 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) boundary, which currently includes all of Skagit County and a large portion of Whatcom County. It is important to note that any address may have an address authority that is different than it’s addressing System.