This data is intended for Internal Use Only at this time. A spatial data layer of points representing the location of officially-assigned site/structure addresses by the local addressing authority that contains related attribute information in order to support the needs of public safety applications. Site/structure address points should represent the actual location of a site or structure. Site/structure address points can also represent landmarks. Site/structure address points represent addresses assigned by the local addressing authority, which may not reflect the addresses used in commercial or United States Postal Service (USPS) databases. The Skagit County Address data points were obtained from Skagit County’s NG9-1-1 Project. This project is currently in-progress and incomplete. However, the address data is the most accurate and up to date address information for the County at the time of this distribution. There may be minor changes to the data schema as the project progresses. Horizontal Accuracy of the address data is specified as +/- 13.89 feet per NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model, NENA-STA-006.1-2018, June 16, 2018 |